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守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会召开10月17日,中国福音会(China Ministries International )在洛杉矶中国福音会会议中心举办“守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会 ”。由海内外关心家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。洪予健牧师、刘同苏牧师和中国家庭教会传道人曼德、郑乐国、林悦… Started by CMIUSCALatest Reply |
中国福音会将办守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化研討會一直以来关心中国家庭教会的福音机构中國福音會(ChinaMinistriesInternational )将于10月17日在洛杉矶中國福音會會議中心举办“守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化 ”研討會。届时将有众多关心中国家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。主办机构认为:自2011年… Started by CMIUSCALatest Reply |
华南教会信徒因接待神学培训正在被重庆市云阳县当局以邪教罪起诉华南教会信徒因接待神学培训正在被重庆市云阳县当局以邪教罪起诉 尊敬的海内外基督的众教会、主内的同工同道、弟兄姊妹:主内平安! 我们是中国基督教华南教会的弟兄姊妹。我们全教会为重庆市云阳县人民检察院,于2011年1月10日以“利用邪教组织破坏法律实施”罪对本辖区内一名曾于2001… Started by China Ministries InternationalLatest Reply |
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新任教皇的“中国挑战”新任教皇的“中国挑战” 作者: 任琛 新一任教皇上任后要面临的巨大挑战之一就是:与中国打交道。然而,从争议的焦点来看,中国的“爱国教会”和“地下教会”之间的分歧似乎是一个死结。 (德国之声中文网)就在全世界翘首企盼着西斯廷大教堂上方的一股白烟时,中国教会的命运似乎已… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Mar 13, 2013 |
On February 26, 2012 Beijing Shouwang Church Announcement on Outdoor Worship ServiceDear brothers and sisters:Peace in the LORD! On this past Sunday, we held the ninth outdoor worship service of this year. We had a sunny… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Mar 2, 2012 |
中国宣教:我爱民工美景 江苏 我和爱人带着孩子来到江苏办厂,一晃便是十几年了,孩子由牙牙学语已经成长为知书达理的高中生。我的属灵生命也在环境中由幼小成长为更加爱主,我们一家一边要打点工厂里大大小小的一切业务,也要照顾神赐给我们的好几百工人和约百位弟兄姐妹。每当我看到这些神国的弟兄姐妹时,我就明白… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Feb 17, 2012 |
大选前中国三自会统战台湾基督教界编者按:以下是三自会最新一期《天风》,详细地披露了三自会在台湾大选前1个多月,如何统战台湾基督教界及名人基督徒如王雪红的。 四季如春春常在----大陆基督教参访团宝岛台湾行 李保乐 《天风》2012年第一期第34页 应台湾“蒲公英希望基金会”董事长魏悌香牧师的… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Jan 25, 2012 |
内蒙古乌兰察布市“蒙福学生团契”负责人提起行政诉讼对华援助协会 2012年01月21日 2011年遭到取缔的内蒙古乌兰察布市的“蒙福学生团契”,最近因行政复议被驳回,其负责人梁广中已正式提起行政诉讼。 本协会曾经报道过,2011年09月15日,内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市集宁区的民宗局和公安局以”非法传教“为由,联合取缔了学生家… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Jan 25, 2012 |
Under International Pressure, China Releases Pastor Shi EnhaoChina Aid Association (Suqian city, Jiangsu—Jan. 23, 2012) A Chinese house church pastor and vice president of the Chinese House Church All… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Jan 25, 2012 |
ChinaAid Picks 2011’s Top 10 Cases of Persecution of Churches and Christians in ChinaSubmitted by China Aid AssociationJanuary 19, 2012 “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Jan 25, 2012 |
新形势下对家庭教会宗教政策的理解(根据作者《守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会》上的回应发言整理)曼德北京家庭教会守望教会户外敬拜已经有28周了,中共政权虽然没有定守望教会为邪教,也没有用刑事手段处理守望教会的信徒,但还是大量软禁守望教会领导层,每次的户外敬拜对参与信徒进行围追堵截、凡去中关村户外平台敬拜的信… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Oct 30, 2011 |
守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会召开10月17日,中国福音会(China Ministries International )在洛杉矶中国福音会会议中心举办“守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会 ”。由海内外关心家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。洪予健牧师、刘同苏牧师和中国家庭教会传道人曼德、郑乐国、林悦… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Oct 18, 2011 |
中国福音会将办守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化研討會一直以来关心中国家庭教会的福音机构中國福音會(ChinaMinistriesInternational )将于10月17日在洛杉矶中國福音會會議中心举办“守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化 ”研討會。届时将有众多关心中国家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。主办机构认为:自2011年… Started by CMIUSCA |
0 | Sep 13, 2011 |
Please Help Saving jailed Pastor Gong of Huanan Chruch
Since Dec 2, 2012, my father Pastor Shengliang Gong had High Blood Pressure and Cerebral Infraction, but he never got the proper medical checkup and adequate treatments. Consequently, my father’s illness got worse and worse. More than once my father almost fell to the ground during last November.
Finally when he got the checkup on November 26th 2013, the doctor said my father’s illness was not very optimistic. He was having Cerebral Infraction, Encephalatrophy, Brain Lesions and Leukoaraiosis, etc. The doctor said that my father needs to have checkup every three months. So we repeatedly requested the prison officials to perform checkup accordingly, once every three months. The prison said that they had one done on April 17th, but refused to release the hospital’s medical treatments records and conclusions to neither my father nor the family members. They would not make any specific statements about my father’s illness. Now, my father and our family have no ideas about the level of his illness.
Since my father illness, previously we could buy some appropriate medicines for him according to his known conditions pieced together from oral communications of diagnosis, after consulting with doctors. Though this won’t amount to totally healing, it was the only way our family could do for him under the circumstances. But now, as the prison withholding medical records from us, we are unable to know his condition and thus cannot providing suitable medicines for him-the very minimum request was denied of us.
The inadequate medical treatments within the prison cannot give my father prompt and sufficient treatments. Yet the prison won’t send him to hospitals outside for necessary treatments and regular checkups, causing further serious damages to his health. The prison won’t allow him the fundamental human rights; they also deprive his right to know about his illness condition. The prison as law enforcement agency behaves illegally. Effectively, they are directly pushing my gravely ill father to dead end street of death.
I appeal to the international communities concerning my father’s health and human rights conditions. Please join us to rally for my father and our family’s rights to medical records and the right to know the situation of my father’s sickness; also his right to have regular medical treatments, thereby saving his life and protect his fundamental rights!!
Pastor Shengliang Gong’s daughter: Huali Gong
June 30th 2014
Cell Phone: 13241248388
Han Kou prison department phone number: 027-83556018
Instructor Hanwen Wang: 15327298562
Started by John 唐 in Prayer Requests Dec 13, 2018.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Apr 7, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Chinese House Church Mar 13, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Jan 19, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Jan 3, 2013.
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