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守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会召开10月17日,中国福音会(China Ministries International )在洛杉矶中国福音会会议中心举办“守望教会事件与家庭教会合法化研讨会 ”。由海内外关心家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。洪予健牧师、刘同苏牧师和中国家庭教会传道人曼德、郑乐国、林悦… Started by CMIUSCA in Chinese House ChurchLatest Reply |
California crisis!加州的危机——基督徒才是弱势群体!StopSB48!曼德几乎与中国大陆基督徒吕丽萍指出同性恋是罪而遭到媒体围剿同时,美国加州参议院教育委员会,在6票支持、3票反对、1票缺席的情况下,通过了一项要求学校课程标榜同性恋的SB 48法案,旨在向下一代灌输同性恋的正面形象。该法案是由同性恋参议员Mark Leno提出的。SB 48法案规… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer RequestsLatest Reply |
中国福音会将办守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化研討會一直以来关心中国家庭教会的福音机构中國福音會(ChinaMinistriesInternational )将于10月17日在洛杉矶中國福音會會議中心举办“守望教會事件與家庭教會合法化 ”研討會。届时将有众多关心中国家庭教会的牧者、学者、信徒和媒体参与。主办机构认为:自2011年… Started by CMIUSCA in Chinese House ChurchLatest Reply |
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Rev. Wang Yi—CHENGDU Early Rain Church's Declaration of civil Disobedience StatementsOver 100 members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China, were arrested beginning Sunday, December 9. At the time of publication of… Started by John 唐 in Prayer Requests |
0 | Dec 13, 2018 |
'Don't you dare bring Christianity to Shanxi,' says official before detaining Beijing believerWife of Christian book store worker seeks help online after husband is detained by police Thursday, 04 April, 2013, 4:08pm Amy L… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Apr 7, 2013 |
新任教皇的“中国挑战”新任教皇的“中国挑战” 作者: 任琛 新一任教皇上任后要面临的巨大挑战之一就是:与中国打交道。然而,从争议的焦点来看,中国的“爱国教会”和“地下教会”之间的分歧似乎是一个死结。 (德国之声中文网)就在全世界翘首企盼着西斯廷大教堂上方的一股白烟时,中国教会的命运似乎已… Started by CMIUSCA in Chinese House Church |
0 | Mar 13, 2013 |
对中国的宣教政策台灣基督長老教會對中國的使命 2013-01-18 ◎張德謙 在2013年開始的契機,長老教會總會於元月7~9日在新竹聖經學院召開「台灣基督長老教會的宣教──對中國的政策」研討會。事實上,這個議題是很緊迫而廣泛,並且有彈性的空間,惟有從屬靈的… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Jan 19, 2013 |
放眼大陸 : 「全能神」為何是「邪教」?中央廣播電台 訪問錄音 12月22日 放眼大陸(展望中國) : 「全能神」為何是「邪教」? *「新聞追擊」─這幾天中國大陸官方大陸抓捕散佈末日論的「全能神」教派,根據媒體報導,從青海、貴州、陝西、山西、內蒙古、到浙江等各地,被逮捕的「全能神」教派信徒已經近千人,官方指控他… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Jan 3, 2013 |
丁光训置身教会,忠诚于党国──我看丁光训郑乐国 丁光训主教已离世,对于他的评价,两极化明显,褒贬掺半。丁忠诚于教会,抑或忠诚于党国? 观其一生奉行的信条可见其与共产主义寻求共同目标的思想痕迹。丁主教置身教会,但兼容并顺应党的统战工作。 丁主教的确卷入政教冲突的不幸游戏。在五、六十年代的极左时期,丁的三自在「控… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Dec 15, 2012 |
從政學分離看政教分離(2012年 10月30日) 江丕盛Quest Institute主席 近月來政教關係引起了大眾的關注,也引發網絡上對政教分離的熱烈討論。可惜的是,不少人對政教分離的認識似乎只望文生義,進而對任何政教關係都筆誅墨伐。究竟我們要如何在公共空間解釋政教分離呢? 有人以為政教分… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Dec 15, 2012 |
新华网:丁光训主教逝世 网友欢庆新华网北京11月22日电 杰出的爱国宗教领袖,著名的社会活动家,中国共产党的亲密朋友,中国人民政治协商会议第七届、八届、九届、十届全国委员会副主席,中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会第三届、四届、五届主席,第六届、七届、八届名誉主席,中国基督教协会第一届、二届、三届会长,第四届、五届… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Nov 24, 2012 |
二十世纪福音派运动及其社会关怀一、福音派的兴起与《洛桑信约》的产生 1、二十世纪中叶北美福音派的兴起 1)二战后北美的宗教奋兴运动 随着二次世界大战的结束,在北美发生了一场基督教奋兴运动。1945年,国际基督教青年军被组建起来,以巩固这一时期逐渐兴起的基督教奋兴运动。据统计,在其建立的第一年里… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Oct 25, 2012 |
加爾文在日內瓦的改革方案從基督教的發展談宗教心靈與社會文化的關係─兼論其對台灣社會的啟示 鄭仰恩台灣神學院教會歷史副教授 本文之目的是要通過對基督教歷史發展經驗的檢視來探討宗教心靈與社會文化的互動關係。首先針對宗教與心靈的定義及其歷史演變作一討論,特別著重二者之互動模式及其與周遭社會文化之關係。… Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests |
0 | Oct 20, 2012 |
Please Help Saving jailed Pastor Gong of Huanan Chruch
Since Dec 2, 2012, my father Pastor Shengliang Gong had High Blood Pressure and Cerebral Infraction, but he never got the proper medical checkup and adequate treatments. Consequently, my father’s illness got worse and worse. More than once my father almost fell to the ground during last November.
Finally when he got the checkup on November 26th 2013, the doctor said my father’s illness was not very optimistic. He was having Cerebral Infraction, Encephalatrophy, Brain Lesions and Leukoaraiosis, etc. The doctor said that my father needs to have checkup every three months. So we repeatedly requested the prison officials to perform checkup accordingly, once every three months. The prison said that they had one done on April 17th, but refused to release the hospital’s medical treatments records and conclusions to neither my father nor the family members. They would not make any specific statements about my father’s illness. Now, my father and our family have no ideas about the level of his illness.
Since my father illness, previously we could buy some appropriate medicines for him according to his known conditions pieced together from oral communications of diagnosis, after consulting with doctors. Though this won’t amount to totally healing, it was the only way our family could do for him under the circumstances. But now, as the prison withholding medical records from us, we are unable to know his condition and thus cannot providing suitable medicines for him-the very minimum request was denied of us.
The inadequate medical treatments within the prison cannot give my father prompt and sufficient treatments. Yet the prison won’t send him to hospitals outside for necessary treatments and regular checkups, causing further serious damages to his health. The prison won’t allow him the fundamental human rights; they also deprive his right to know about his illness condition. The prison as law enforcement agency behaves illegally. Effectively, they are directly pushing my gravely ill father to dead end street of death.
I appeal to the international communities concerning my father’s health and human rights conditions. Please join us to rally for my father and our family’s rights to medical records and the right to know the situation of my father’s sickness; also his right to have regular medical treatments, thereby saving his life and protect his fundamental rights!!
Pastor Shengliang Gong’s daughter: Huali Gong
June 30th 2014
Cell Phone: 13241248388
Han Kou prison department phone number: 027-83556018
Instructor Hanwen Wang: 15327298562
Started by John 唐 in Prayer Requests Dec 13, 2018.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Apr 7, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Chinese House Church Mar 13, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Jan 19, 2013.
Started by CMIUSCA in Prayer Requests Jan 3, 2013.
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