China Ministries International

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Statement of Pastor Eddie Romero

"I, along with others, have taken a step today as an act of kinship with heroes and heroines of faith and conscience now languishing in Chi…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Mar 12, 2012

Khotan House Church Leader Tricked by Police, Put Under 15-Day Detention

  China Aid Association (Khotan, Xinjiang—March 9, 2012) The leader of a house church in far west China that was raided by authorities on…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Mar 12, 2012


——從林書豪看工作之約、千禧年觀在當下的意義 曼德   長久以來,華人教會由於歷史、文化等諸方面原因,在基督教神學中一直把福音作為重點中的重點,在救恩論和創造論中,更加強調前者;在恩典之約和工作之約中也更加強調前者;在內在靈修生命建造和管家權柄看守治理、社會關懷上,也是更加強調…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Mar 4, 2012

Jeremy Lin's Christian Faith Inspires Persecuted Christians in China

  Christian Post   By Setrige Crawford | Christian Post Reporter February 20, 2012 06:00 PM EDT (Photo: REUTERS/Nicky Loh)Jeremy Lin's ri…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Mar 2, 2012


新华社一叶障目不见耶稣只见林书豪 昝爱宗  一夜爆红的NBA17号球员林书豪是一名基督徒,包括《TIME》等全球知名媒体都在报道,并不回避他的信仰,可是中国媒体却走样了,其中的官方新华社更是故意造假,随意删除林书豪的信仰内容。按照知名学者范学德的分析,新华社造假的根本原因就在于…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 25, 2012


2012-02-22据《华尔街日报》 报道, 随着基督教在中国的长足发展,中国需要大批训练有素的基督教神职人员。 《华尔街日报》20号的一篇报道说,基督教在中国的发展给许多人带来希望、信仰和救助,但是许多教会缺少训练有素的指导人,这就导致中国私立神学教育系统的诞生。报道说,中国…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 23, 2012

华南教会领袖李英提前近五年获释 教徒称国际压力令其处境改善

自由亚洲电台  作者:江沛  2012-02-232002年以“故意伤害罪”被判刑15年的湖北华南教会领袖之一《华南专刊》主编李英于2011年底提前近五年获释。国际社会包括在美国的对华援助协会和中国基督教家庭教会对此表示欢迎。 据总部在美国德州的对华援助协会消息,2002年以“…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 23, 2012

近期发生内蒙、河北两家庭教会遭严重逼迫事件 请关注、代祷

内蒙古锡市家庭教会遭受逼迫:冲击、破坏、上锁、抓人 中国之声(VOCN)—内蒙古记者站   2012年02月16日  星期四 2012年02月02日上午10点左右,内蒙古锡林浩特市宗教局、 公安局国保大队、统战部以及地方派出所等部门超过10人,冲击了锡林浩特市的一处家庭教会——…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 17, 2012


中国特色   袁弟兄                      云南   只要是家庭教会的带领者,对合法化问题无不关注。很多的传道人因着所谓的“不合法”而被关劳教,很多家庭教会被勒令停止聚会。所以合法化问题大概是家庭教会所面临的最为头疼的挑战之一。最近,笔者走访了几间家庭教会,…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 17, 2012


  作者:张大军 上帝为什么让守望教会事件发生?尽管我们无法完全测透上帝在其中的旨意,但我们应该有信心说,守望教会事件在这样的时刻、这样的地点和这样的处境中出现,肯定有他至高的美意。在这样的时刻里,中国社会的方方面面都面临着转型、重建和更新,信仰越来越成为社会和文化转型中的一个…

Started by CMIUSCA

0 Feb 13, 2012


Saving Pastor Gong

Please Help Saving jailed Pastor Gong of Huanan Chruch


Since Dec 2, 2012, my father Pastor Shengliang Gong had High Blood Pressure and Cerebral Infraction, but he never got the proper medical checkup and adequate treatments. Consequently, my father’s illness got worse and worse. More than once my father almost fell to the ground during last November.

Finally when he got the checkup on November 26th 2013, the doctor said my father’s illness was not very optimistic. He was having Cerebral Infraction, Encephalatrophy, Brain Lesions and Leukoaraiosis, etc. The doctor said that my father needs to have checkup every three months. So we repeatedly requested the prison officials to perform checkup accordingly, once every three months. The prison said that they had one done on April 17th, but refused to release the hospital’s medical treatments records and conclusions to neither my father nor the family members. They would not make any specific statements about my father’s illness. Now, my father and our family have no ideas about the level of his illness.

       Since my father illness, previously we could buy some appropriate medicines for him according to his known conditions pieced together from oral communications of diagnosis, after consulting with doctors. Though this won’t amount to totally healing, it was the only way our family could do for him under the circumstances. But now, as the prison withholding medical records from us, we are unable to know his condition and thus cannot providing suitable medicines for him-the very minimum request was denied of us.

       The inadequate medical treatments within the prison cannot give my father prompt and sufficient treatments. Yet the prison won’t send him to hospitals outside for necessary treatments and regular checkups, causing further serious damages to his health. The prison won’t allow him the fundamental human rights; they also deprive his right to know about his illness condition. The prison as law enforcement agency behaves illegally. Effectively, they are directly pushing my gravely ill father to dead end street of death.

       I appeal to the international communities concerning my father’s health and human rights conditions. Please join us to rally for my father and our family’s rights to medical records and the right to know the situation of my father’s sickness; also his right to have regular medical treatments, thereby saving his life and protect his fundamental rights!!


Pastor Shengliang Gong’s daughter: Huali Gong

June 30th 2014

Cell Phone: 13241248388

Han Kou prison department phone number: 027-83556018

Instructor Hanwen Wang: 15327298562




Persecution Blog

Missionary Pilot Shares The Rest of the Auca Martyrs' Story

Growing up the home of missionary parents in Ecuador, Gene Jordan has always known the story of five men—Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian—who gave their lives in the jungle to reach an isolated Indian...

After Arrest, "I Was Terrified"

“Dr. Andrew” is working to share the gospel in the Middle East, but he hasn’t always had a heart to share Christ’s love with Muslims. Growing up in a nominal Christian family, Andrew was harassed by Muslims his whole life....

Being a True Vessel for God's Use

“Brother Matthew” is a pastor and church planter in South Asia, working among Muslims to share the gospel. After threats against his life and an attack on his brother, he was encouraged by family members to leave his country. He...

VOM Radio in Central Asia

"Tanya" is a Christian worker in Central Asia, living and ministering in a country where she must always be cautious about what she says openly and who she says it around. Listen to hear how Christians in the former Soviet...

Nate Saint Memorial School: End of an Era

The end of an era comes next month. In August 1985, I clutched my mom’s hand and squeaked my rubber flip-flopped way down the gravel path from the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) “base” to the cinderblock Nate Saint Memorial school....

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